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Driving my parents car, Do I Need Insurance?
Angharad Evans white clock learner driver3 minute read Car Sharing Guides Learner Drivers

Driving my parents car, do I need insurance?

When it comes to learning to drive there’s more than one option, you don’t just have to learn with an instructor. Another way to get some hours behind the driving wheel is to jump in the car with your parents.


So, you’ve decided to learn to drive for whatever reason. You’ve got your provisional licence sorted and now you’re looking to book an instructor. You’ve realised that it’ll cost a fortune to get all the lessons that your heart desires.  

You start thinking “can I drive my parent’s car using my provisional?” or “Can I drive my parent’s car without insurance?” Well, luckily for you Veygo learner driver insurance answers these questions!  

Yes, you can drive your parents’ car with a provisional licence, and unfortunately you can’t learn to drive without insurance, but as mentioned Veygo learner driver insurance is a cheap solution to get behind the wheel of your parents car.  

You’re now stuck thinking “how on earth do I convince them to let me have a spin in their car”. Well don’t worry, we can help to hook you up with a solution. Check out our guide that gives you the information you need to help you convince your parents to let you drive 

Why would you learn to drive without your instructor? 


As previously mentioned, learning to drive comes at a cost, and the majority of you who are learning to drive are only 17 or 18, being this age usually means full time education or only just broke into the working world. So, it’s not super likely that you’ll have cash burning a hole in your pocket waiting to be spent on driving lessons.  

So, first of all, cost. By hopping into the car with your parents you can save the cost of having to pay your instructor for the lesson, perhaps just having to front your parents some money for fuel.. Simple enough. 

I know your next thought; you’re thinking about the cost of insurance to learn to drive legally on the roads. Funny you’re thinking that, because here at Veygo we have learner driver insurance that can be bought from as little as 1 hour! A great way to get the hour or hours in!  


When learning to drive with an instructor you’re very limited to what they tell you, “Go here”, “go there”, “that’s enough practice doing that”, “I think you need more time behind the wheel”. So, being able to practise with your parents gives you that ability to explore and rehearse the things you don’t feel too confident with.  

Where to go  

When learning to drive, typically you’ll be cruising around the areas where your test centre is.. And in all honesty that makes sense.. to basically learn the test centre (as they say you really learn to drive after you pass your test). There may be some routes you know you’ll be regularly driving after you pass, and by getting behind your parents’ wheel this gives you ample opportunity to do so!  


When driving with your instructor you’ll be practising manoeuvres, clutch control, and emergency stopping (among other things). So, you’ll be repeating certain manoeuvres multiple times.  

When practising you may nail the move a few times and the instructor will tell you you’re fine doing them, however, being able to do them and being confident doing them are different. With your parents you can rinse and repeat the move until you’re super confident doing each one!  

Post test 

Having passed your test, you’ll want to get on the roads as soon as possible! But if you haven’t found the perfect car you’re struggling to find the perfect car, there are plenty of ways to go about buying a car. Try looking for the cheapest way to buy a car as a good place to start. 

So, let’s pretend you haven’t found the perfect car but you’re keen to get on the roads, that leaves you with one option! Your parent’s car!  

It’s often said that you don’t actually learn to drive until after you pass your test, so you really don’t want to put off getting on the roads for very long. So let’s discuss getting insured on your parent’s car!  

  1. First of all, make sure you have their permission and you’ve discussed it with them!  
  2. Secondly, consider the amount of time you’re going to be without your own car. It’s highly recommended that you don’t spend much longer than a month or two borrowing a car as it can become very frustrating very quickly.  

So, considering this, a great solution to make sure you kick it up a gear and only spend a couple of months driving your parent’s car, look into getting Veygo’s temporary insurance. It’ll keep your parent’s car safe and give you the chance to get on the roads practising. 

It’s not just the practice while driving your parents’ car temporarily that is necessary, you may have passed your test close to starting uni or college where you may not need a car, but could want your own way to get about. Another reason why getting insured on your parent’s car could be essential!  

Whatever reason you have for getting insured on your parents’ car always remember:  

  • Yes, you can drive your parent’s car with a provisional licence.  
  • And, no, you can’t drive your parent’s car without insurance.  

But always remember if you have a provisional and looking to practise or passed your test and need your parents’ car for any reason then look at purchasing some of Veygo’s temporary car insurance or the learner driver insurance by hitting the button below!  

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